Spiral Waffle Ceiling | JuneLee Architecture
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Spiral Waffle Ceiling

This video is a tutorial about making Spiral Waffle Ceiling Tutorial in Rhino Grasshopper. Grasshopper script contains ‘Plane Surface’, ‘Evaluate Surface’, ‘Spin Force’, ‘Point Charge’, ‘Merge Field’, ‘Offset Curve’, ‘Boundary Surfaces’, ‘Scale’, ‘Extrude’, ‘Circle’, ‘Divide Curve’, ‘Field Line’, ‘Curve / Curve’, ‘Project’, ‘Surface Split’, ‘Project Point’, ‘Offset Surface’, ‘Shift Path’, ‘End Points’, ‘Mesh Brep’, ‘Weaverbidrd’s Mesh thicken’, ‘Divide Surface’, ‘Surface From Points’, ‘Interpolate’, ‘Brep Edges’, ‘Loft’ components.

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