Lifted and Perforated Circle Pavilion | JuneLee Architecture
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Lifted and Perforated Circle Pavilion

This video is a tutorial of making Lifted and Perforated Circle Pavilion in Rhino Grasshopper. Grasshopper script contains 'Circle', 'Fit Curve', 'Control Points', 'Series', 'Expression', 'Graph Mapper', 'Reverse List', 'Cull Index', 'Replace Members', 'Nurbs Curve', 'Patch', 'Untrim', 'Dimensions', 'Rectangle', 'Copy Trim', 'Isotrim', 'Divide Domain', 'Deconstruct Brep', 'Distance', 'Sort List', 'Sub List', 'Boundary Surfaces', 'Surface Morph', 'Offset Surface' components.

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